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Assignment 2 Name: Vivien Chen Course: CS 110 - Section 02 Submitted: 2/7/2012

My Assignment 2 consists of a portrait of the ground and sky, divided equally in half: green representing the grass on the ground and blue representing the sky. I also used a concentric circle with transparency to depict the horizon on the upper left hand corner. Iteration is also used for the clouds in the sky, which forms multiple white ellipses. When you mouseclick in the sky portion of the portrait, birds appear (which were formed by multiple curve vertices). The birds decrease in size as you click closer to the horizon line of the portrait. In addition if you click on the ground (grass) portion of the portrait, apple trees appear (which were formed by a triangle, rectangle, and various small ellipses). As you click closes to the horizon line, the trees decrease in size.

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