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Assignment 7 Name: Daisy Sheng Course: CS110

I am interested in food and restaurants. I came up with the idea of ranking restaurants based on different attributes. I am going to use data from The 2011 Zagat Guide and focus on restaurants in the Philadelphia area. I have researched the restaurants’ names, types of cuisine, addresses and four rankings: food, decor, service and cost. I am visualizing my data by plotting spoon-shaped points on a circle. I set the radius to the food ranking of all the restaurants and the theta angle of the circle to the service ranking of all the restaurants. The cost is represented by rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple. These seven different colors group costs into seven ranges, starting from red with the lowest cost (under $20) to purple with the highest cost (over $70).

The purpose of this data visualization is to use my program as a tool for searching restaurants. As the mouse is moved on a spoon, a radial line with the service ranking number and a vertical line with the food ranking number appear. When a certain spoon is clicked, the address of the first restaurant with that service and food ranking is displayed. If the mouse is clicked again in the same position, the address information of the second restaurant will replace the first one.

Built with Processing and Processing.js