Gordon Davies, UK
Vice Chair
Deepak Kumar, USA
Robert M. Aiken, USA
Torsten Brinda, Germany
Lillian N. (Boots) Cassel, USA
Petra H. G. Fisser, The Netherlands
Monique Grandbastien, France
Anneke E.N. Hacquebard, The Netherlands
Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr., USA
Bernard Levrat, Switzerland
Eric Roberts, USA
Sigrid Schubert, Germany
A.J. Turner, USA
Raul Wazlawick, Brazil
Jan Zabrowski, Poland
LYICT 2008: ICT and Learning for the Net Generation
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7th - 10th July 2008
WCCE 2009: World Conference on Computers in Education
Florianópolis - Brazil
27th - 31th July 2009
About WG 3.2
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a multi-national federation of professional and technical organizations, founded in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO.
IFIP is dedicated to improving world-wide communication and increased understanding among practitioners of all nations about the role information processing, or informatics, can play in all walks of life.
Members of IFIP are national organizations in the field of information processing.
At the heart of IFIP activities are the Technical Committees (TC's).
Each Technical Committee has a particular focus; education is the focus of Technical Committee 3 (TC3).
Work within the focus of a Technical Committee is done in Working Groups (WG's) of specialists who are individually appointed by their peers, independent of nationality and of national governments.
IFIP Working Group 3.2 is such a Working Group concerned with informatics education at university level.
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