CS 245 - Programming Languages

Lab 1

Access and Login

Today's lab is very simple. First, confirm that your card gets you into the lab -- Park 230 and Park 231.
Second, log into a CS department lab machine using your UNIX login.

Third,change your password. (Email is a very insecure way of sending passwords.) To change your password, open a terminal, then use the unix command passwd. You can get information about using passwd by entering either passwd --help or man passwd

What to hand in

Send email to gtowell@brynmawr.edu with a picture of you sitting in front of a computer in the lab on which you are logged in. Also include in your email answers to the following questions:
  1. Does your ID card give you access to Park 230 / 231?
  2. What does man passwd do? or more generally man UnixCommand (One or two sentences is sufficient)