Quiz 5: Study Guide

Quizzes are open book. 30 minutes at the start of class.


This quiz includes the previous topics from Quiz 1-4 plus

  • String operations: charAt, length, replace, trim, split, compareTo

  • Reading text files using loadStrings

  • Linear and binary search

  • Runtime analysis/big-O notation

  • O(1) — constant time

  • O(log2N) — logarithmic (ex: binary search)

  • O(N) — linear (ex: linear search)

  • O(N2) — quadratic (ex: bubble sort)

  • Selection sort and bubble sort

  • Swapping elements in an array

  • Nested loops

General quiz self-assessment:

  • Can you define terms?

  • Can you reproduce the execution of the search and sort algorithms from class without looking at a reference?

  • Can you analyze the performance as a function of its input for code involving loops and common operations?

  • Are you familiar with the Processing functions we use in class and labs?

  • Do you know the syntax for defining and using variables, if statements, loops, functions, and classes?

  • Can you read and understand code? Could you spot errors? Can you trace the execution and deduce the values for all variables?

  • Can you write code which solves a given problem? Can you solve it in different ways? For example, if a question asks you to use a function, can you solve the problem using a function?

Practice questions

1) Write a function that takes a String as an input and replaces all occurrences of the letter e to 3 and all occurrences of the letter s to 5. Test your function from setup using the phrases "elephant" and "sour patch kids".

// Function: replaceChars
// Input: initialString (String), the original string to modify
// Output: (String), the modified String

2) Write a function that takes a String as an input and returns the reverse String.

3) What would the output of the following code be?

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        println("i:" + i + " j:" + j);

4) Write code to load and parse a file with format [Name,Score,PowerUp,Role]

Ressie Rask  ,3224,Mushroom,Healer
Angelique Aust  ,1190,Mushroom,Dps
Tiny Teamer  ,3722,Mushroom,Tank
Michell Mancino  ,316,Tea kettle,Dps
Amos Ackman  ,4989,Fireball,Tank
Liz Labat  ,714,Mushroom,Healer
Lawerence Lalonde  ,3921,Mushroom,Dps
Madelyn Mcjunkin  ,1243,Fireball,Tank
Echo Eckhardt  ,4831,Mushroom,Dps

5) What is the running time of you algorithm in the previous question?

6) True/False questions:

  • Linear search requires a number of steps proportional to the size of the list being searched (T/F)

  • Binary search is an O(N2) algorithm (T/F)

  • The number of times N can be divided by 2 (before reaching 1) is log2 N (T/F)

7) How many steps would it take to do binary search on a list of size 1 million, when the item you are searching for is NOT in the list?

8) How many steps would it take to do linear search on a list of size 1 million, when the item you are searching for is NOT in the list?

9) Binary search is much faster than linear search, so why don’t we use it for every search problem?

10) For each iteration of the loop in binarySearch(int x, int[] L), show the index values for low, high, and mid, and the value stored at location mid. What will be returned by this function call?

int x = 67;
int[] L = {10, 12, 14, 21, 37, 44, 45, 46, 58, 67, 99};
            0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10

low | high | mid | L[mid]
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
    |      |     |
    |      |     |
    |      |     |
    |      |     |

11) For each iteration of the loop in binarySearch(int y, int[] L), show the index values for low, high, and mid, and the value stored at location mid. What will be returned by this function call?

int y = 4;
int[] L = [10, 12, 14, 21, 37, 44, 45, 46, 58, 67, 99];
            0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10

low | high | mid | L[mid]
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
    |      |     |
    |      |     |
    |      |     |
    |      |     |

12) Write a function to return the index of the smallest item in a given list.

// Input:  An array of integers
// Returns: The index of the smallest item in the list,
//    -1 if the list is empty

int indexOfSmallest(int[] ls) {
   // complete this function

13) How many steps are required for each of the following? Classify each one as either O(N), O(N2), O(log2 N), O(N log2 N), or O(1).

int N = getInputSize();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        println(i, j);


int N = getInputSize();
while (N > 1)
    N = N/2


int N = getInputSize();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)

14) Which algorithm requires time directly proportional to the size of the input list?

+ - linear search - binary search - bubble sort - selection sort


15) Consider the following function, oneLoop(int[] L), which is similar to the inner loop from bubble sort:


void oneLoop(int[] L)
   for (int j = 0; j < L.length()-1; j++)
      if (L[j] > L[j+1])
         int tmp = L[j+1];
         L[j+1] = L[j];
         L[j] = tmp;

+ Suppose we run oneLoop on the list L={17,4,19,3,11,8}. What are the new contents of L?

16) Show how the list L={17,4,19,3,11,8} would be changed after selection sort does its first 3 swaps:


1) Below are two approaches

String replaceChars(String initialString) {
    String newString = initialString.replace("s", "5");
    newString = newString.replace("e", "3");
    return newString;

void setup() {
    String result1 = replaceChars("elephant");

    String result2 = replaceChars("sour patch kids");
String replaceChars(String initialString) {
    String newString = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < initialString.length(); i++) {
        char c = initialString.charAt(i);
        if (c == 's') {
            newString += "5";
        else if (c == 'e') {
            newString += "3";
        else {
            newString += c;
    return newString;

void setup() {
    String result1 = replaceChars("elephant");

    String result2 = replaceChars("sour patch kids");


String reverse(String initialString) {
    String newString = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < initialString.length(); i++) {
        char c = initialString.charAt(i);
        newString = c + newString;
    return newString;

3) Compute your answer on paper but run it to check!


void setup() {
    // assume the data is in a file called filename.txt
    String[] lines = loadStrings("filename.txt");
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        String line = lines[i];
        String[] tokens = line.split(",");
        String name = tokens[0];
        int score = int(tokens[1]);
        String powerUp = tokens[2];
        String type = tokens[2];
        println(name, score, powerUp, type);

5) O(N) because the time needed to parse each line increases linearly with the number of lines in our file. The number of lines determines the size of our input.

6) T, F, T

7) logN2(1 million)

8) 1 million steps

9) Binary search only works when the list is sorted

10) The function should return the index of 67, which is 9

0   10  5   44
6   10  8   58
9   10  9   67 (found!)

11) The function should return the index of 4, but since 4 is not in the list, we would return -1.

0   10  5   44
0   4   2   14
0   1   0   10
0   -1          (not found!)

12) This algorithm is the same as the inner loop of selection sort

int indexOfSmallest(int[] ls) {
   int smallest = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) {
       if (ls[i] < ls[smallest]) {
           smallest = i;
   return smallest;

13) O(+N2), O(log+2(N)), O(N)

14) linear search

15) Compute the answer on paper but then run the code the check!


initial: 17,4,19,3,11,8
swap 1: 3,4,19,17,11,8
swap 2: 3,4,19,17,11,8
swap 3: 3,4,8,17,11,19