CS91 Computer Animation: Lab 9

In which, you are invited to create something awesome of your own choosing.

The is an optional assignment that will be worth up to 5 bonus points. Participation will count towards your participation grade. During our last lab, we will have a contest for best project in each lab session. The goal of this bonus is to challenge yourself to implement a concept of class that you find interesting but did not address in the assignments. As you only have a week to focus on this, think of it more as a Choose your own assignment rather than a project. Also, get something working first and then make it 'fancy' and unique.

You may choose to work in pairs or individually.

The page will be updated with resources to help you accomplish this free-form assignment. Please don't be shy about asking for more information.

Table of contents, Due May 1


Over the next few weeks, I will add basecode and tips to guide you in implementing one of these ideas. I'm also open to your ideas for a demo, but discuss it with me first. To prevent grading from being overly subjective, I've attached points to each idea based on the difficulty of the task. Mix and match ideas to gain multiple points.

Splicing. (1 point) Create new motions by blending motions for parts of the body. For example, in your blend assignment you blended the rotations for every joint. To splice part the upper body, you would only blend the upper body joints.

This task requires

Use your blend assignment as a starting point.

Infinite walker. (2 points) Implement a character which can walk forward forever. The most straightforward approach is to implement a state machine which crossfades the walking motion to itself whenever the character is about to complete the motion.

Use your blend assignment as a starting point.

Motion controller. (4 points) Create a character that can walk and stand based on user keyboard control. This task extends the infinite walker so it can either stand or walk based on keyboard input.

This task requires

Use your blend assignment as a starting point.

Dance party. (2 points) Implement a character which can dance forever. The most straightforward approach is to implement a state machine which crossfades to itself whenever the character is about to complete the motion. To create variations on the dance, crossfade between randomized frames.

Use your blend assignment as a starting point.

Animated platform. (1 point)Define a 3D spline in the environment. Use the FKViewer as a starting point (esp. if you want to move a character around as an add-on feature). This task requires

Character on a moving platform. (1 point)After implementing a moving platform, position a character on it. As the platform moves, so should the character. To complete this task, update the character so it's root is positioned relative to the platform.

Tentacle. (1 point)Define a kinematic chain with N joints (N > 2). The basecode IKSimple.cpp gives an example of how to do this. Undulating movement can be modeled with sine curves. For example, suppose we rotate each joint around its local Z axis between some thetaMin and thetaMax. Each time step, we update the rotation angle

fraction = (sin(mCurrentTime) * 0.5) + 0.5 // transform range to [0,1] from [-1,1]
theta = fraction*(thetaMax - thetaMin) + thetaMin // transform range to [thetaMin, thetaMax]
To improve the motion, each child can sample sine differently, for example, with an offset
fraction = (sin(mCurrentTime + offset*jointID) * 0.5) + 0.5 
theta = fraction*(thetaMax - thetaMin) + thetaMin 

Use IKSimple.cpp as a starting point.

Flying creature. (2 point)Design a character with flapping wings. The skeleton should have a root joint with child jointt representing each wing. The basecode IKSimple.cpp gives an example of how to define a skeleton. Each frame, update the wings to flap.

Use IKSimple.cpp as a starting point.

Flying creature on a trajectory. (1 point)After implementing the flying creature, define a spline in the scene. Then, update the position of the root based on the spline.

Gaze controller. (1 points) Based on the position of the mouse, animate the head of the character to follow the target. To complete this task

For best results, use your forward kinematics assignment as a starting point. The gaze will look best if combined with a natural motion.

Use this modified character drawer which draws eyes so you can see the gaze more easily (GooglyEyes.h, GooglyEyes.cpp)

Reaching. (2 points) Implement a character that smoothly reaches toward a target (rather than snaps to it as in the IK assignment). To complete this task

Use the IKViewer as a starting point.

Foot clamping. (2 points) Dynamically modify the position of the feet based on the height of the terrain. To complete this task

To get you started, I created a version of the forward kinematics assignment which contains an uneven floor. (FloorMain.cpp, FloorViewer.h, FloorViewer.cpp)

Custom character. (up to 2 points, depending on effort)Create a unique character. The basecode includes a drawing class which takes an AnimatbleHierarchy and recursively goes through each joint to draw it. By modifying this process you can create different looking characters. The most straight-forward approach is to copy this code and modify it. Then in draw(), you use your drawer instead of the default. Here are some simple things to try

Change the background color. (0.1 points)You can change the background color. Modify the following line in ABasicViewer::initializeOpenGL()

glClearColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0); // R,G,B,A

Create multiple characters and/or animated objects. (1 point) This is a good point to grab once you get one of the previous bonus working. For example, if you animated one character walking forward infinitely, now you can create 10 characters walking forward. Characters can be drawn an arbitrary number of times in draw3DViewer(). In the code below, we draw two characters next to each other along the X axis using the function glTranslate().

void BVHViewer::draw3DView()
    glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)mWindowWidth, (GLsizei)mWindowHeight);
    glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); // Draw the front face only, except for the texts and lights.

    // Set the view to the current camera settings.

    GLfloat pos[4];
    pos[0] = mCamera.getPosition()[0];
    pos[1] = mCamera.getPosition()[1];
    pos[2] = mCamera.getPosition()[2];
    pos[3] = 1.0;
    glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos);

    // draw two characters
    glTranslatef(-200, 0, 0);

    glTranslatef(200, 0, 0);

For full points, this bonus should either be